Sunday, February 24, 2008


i really enjoyed writing these blogs. If i had to choose between writing research papers and blogging, i'd choose blogging for sure. i had fun and i would love to do this again!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Andrew Wartman's Opinion

I think that blogging is fun. We are a tech generation, and I think that we have more fun on here than typing up a paper and reading it in front of the class.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Angela's opion

I thought that blogging was sort of fun. We should do this again.


Andrew Van Wilder

I think we should blog alot more. It is a lot of fun! It was pretty easy, but it was a little confusing. The Wiki's were cool too.


I liked doing blogs better since I thought that it as easier.

Grant's Opinion

I love blogging!! We should do this more often!!


I thought blogs were fun. I liked reading peoples papers and posting comments. I also liked seeing what people thought of my story. It was fun but I like writting fiction stories more.